Ganz ähnlich die Haltung von Publicis Media Deutschland: "Es wird höchste Zeit, dass sich im Markt einheitliche Messstandards etablieren, die für alle Marktteilnehmer gelten. Die großen globalen Player prägen auch hierzulande den digitalen Werbemarkt, und wir werden nicht müde zu betonen, wie wichtig verlässliche, transparente und vergleichbare Leistungsnachweise für unsere Kunden sind", sagt Nicole Karepin, Director Communication bei Publicis Media Deutschland. (app/rp)

Hier das offizielle Facebook-Statement im Wortlaut: 

"We recently discovered an error in the way we calculate one of our video metrics. This error has been fixed, it did not impact billing, and we have notified our partners both through our product dashboards and via sales and publisher outreach. We also renamed the metric to make it clearer what we measure. This metric is one of many our partners use to assess their video campaigns."

Viewability: In order to provide the choices and transparency that marketers are looking for, we have expanded our 3rd party verification partner program to ensure the accuracy and validity of our viewability and attention metrics. In September, we announced that Moat was an approved verification partner. Now, the program will include three additional partners - Nielsen, Comscore and Integral Ad Science.

At Facebook, we take viewability very serious. Videos on Facebook start auto playing when 51 percent of the content is in the view field. A video view is counted after three seconds, which is pretty long considering that on average it takes a person 1.7 seconds to scroll over one story in News Feed. 3 seconds therefore is a strong signal, which we use to count a view.

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W&V Redaktion
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